I have never really done this before, and I used to the the whole 'blog' thing was pretty silly. I am going abroad soon and could run into alot interesting political situations (in Thailand, if anyone follows world news.
One of my professors actually suggested that I start one of these, or a diary- this is a little more interesting than a diary, I think. The only danger with 'blogging' vs. a diary is that people have a much higher likelihood of reading blogs, so I may make some people angry, upset, elated...whatever. This is your warning.
I am working in coastal North Carolina for the next three months and then off to Southeast Asia! The Rivers Scholarship Award is an excellent opportunity for any ECU student going abroad...I'm really looking forward to see large my reward is! I DO realize how income/money oriented that sounds, but it is so true...I just need to buy my ticket so I can begin the process of obtaining a Thai visa.
I've been picking up some Thai here and there and I have been reading through Lonely Planet...everything there look so exciting, to the point that it will likely be overwhelming. People there are supposedly very friendly. Thailand is 'the land of smiles,' after all! I have always prided myself in my ability to 'mesh' well with others. Asia will be the true test.
I am excited to be near the beach for the summer, and will be there full time in less than three weeks, visiting on the weekends to pick up extra cash. The restaurant economy is horrendous in Greenville, and I need to pay my rent debt before I move out, haha. Hopefully (during this summer) I will not become so caught up in thoughts of traveling that it clouds my thoughts and pulls me away from having some real fun before I leave. I would hate to live a five minute bike ride from the beach, only to make it out a couple dozen times! No, I will not let that happen, though I have already visited three or four weekends this year and only set foot on sand once.
OK, I am tired of writing about myself now, but I think this is necessary, because I will be able to go back and reflect on these things months later. If anyone DOES read this, feel free to comment. Also, I plan to have much more interesting posts ahead. They may not be every day, but I am going to try to log in somewhat-frequently(also, I have no way to qualify that expression haha).
om made padme hum